Model-to-Model Conversion

As previously mentioned, the lexical and parsing phases are replaced by a model-to-model conversion process which consists of two steps:

  1. Transform the input file (XML) into a data-model
  2. Transform the data-model into an AST

XML to Data-Model

Consider the heavily minified CFC file MyProgram.cfc, which translates to the CFC chart below.

                   x                      MyAdd
            ┌─────────────┐        ┌─────────────────┐
            │             │        │    exec_id:0    │
            │             ├───────►│ a               │                 z
            │ local_id: 0 │        │ ref_local_id: 0 │          ┌──────────────┐
            └─────────────┘        │                 │          │  exec_id: 1  │
                   y               │                 ├─────────►│              │
            ┌─────────────┐        │                 │          │ref_local_id:2│
            │             │        │                 │          └──────────────┘
            │             ├───────►│ b               │             local_id: 3
            │ local_id:1  │        │ ref_local_id: 1 │
            └─────────────┘        └─────────────────┘
                                       local_id: 2

The initial phase of the transformation process involves streaming the entire input file. During the streaming process, whenever important keywords such as block are encountered, they are directly mapped into a corresponding model structure. For example, when reaching the line <block localId="3" ...> within the XML file, we generate a model that can be represented as follows:

struct Block {
    localId: 2,
    type_name: "MyAdd",
    instance_name: None,
    execution_order_id: 0,
    variables: [
        InputVariable  { ... }, // x, with localId = 0
        InputVariable  { ... }, // y, with localId = 1
        OutputVariable { ... }, // MyAdd eventually becoming `z := MyAdd`, with z having a localId = 2

This process is repeated for every element in the input file which has a corresponding model implementation. For more information on implementation details, see the model folder.

Since the CFC programming language utilizes blocks and their interconnections to establish the program's logic flow, with the sequencing of block execution and inter-block links represented through corresponding localId, refLocalId and excutionOrderId, we have to order each element by their execution ID before proceeding to the next phase. Otherwise the generated AST statements would be out of order and hence semantically incorrect.

Data-Model to AST

The final part of the model-to-model transformation takes the input from the previous step and transforms it into an AST which the compiler pipeline understands and can generate code from. Consider the previous block example - the transformer first encounters the element with the executionOrderId of 0, which is a call to myAdd. We then check and transform each parameter, input a and b corresponding to the variables x and y respectively. The result of this transformation looks as follows:

CallStatement {
    operator: myAdd,
    parameters: [x, y]

Next, we process the element with an executionOrderId of 1, which corresponds to an assignment of the previous call's result to z. This update modifies the generated AST as follows:

AssignmentStatement {
    left: z,
    right: CallStatement {
        operator: myAdd,
        parameters: [x, y]

While this explanation covers the handling of blocks and variables, there are other elements (e.g. control-flow), that are not discussed here. For more information on implementation details, see plc_xml/src/xml_parser.

Finally, after transforming all elements into their respective AST statements, the result is passed to the indexer and subsequently enters the next stages of the compiler pipeline, as described in the architecture documentation).


        x, y : DINT;

    MyAdd := x + y;


<pou xmlns="" name="myProgram" pouType="program">
        PROGRAM myProgram
                x, y, z : DINT;
            <inVariable localId="1" height="20" width="80" negated="false">
            <inVariable localId="2" height="20" width="80" negated="false">
            <block localId="3" width="74" height="60" typeName="MyAdd" executionOrderId="0">
                    <variable formalParameter="x" negated="false">
                            <connection refLocalId="1"/>
                    <variable formalParameter="y" negated="false">
                            <connection refLocalId="2"/>
                    </variable formalParameter="MyAdd" negated="false">
            <outVariable localId="4" height="20" width="80" executionOrderId="1" negated="false" storage="none">
                <position x="680" y="160"/>
                    <connection refLocalId="3" formalParameter="MyAdd"/>