Build & Install

RuSTys code can be found on GitHub. By default a Dockerfile and a devcontainer.json file are provided. If you wish to develop natively however, you will need some additional dependencies namely:

  • Rust
  • LLVM 14
  • LLVM Polly
  • Build Tools (e.g. build-essential on Ubuntu)
  • zlib

The next sections cover how to install these dependencies on different platforms, if you already have them however, RuSTy can be build using the cargo command. For debug builds this can be accomplished by executing cargo build and for release builds (smaller & faster) you would execute cargo build --release. The resulting binaries can be found at target/debug/plc and target/release/plc respectively.

Ubuntu (24.04)

The specified dependencies can be installed with the following command on Ubuntu:

sudo apt install                \
    build-essential             \
    llvm-14-dev liblld-14-dev   \
    libz-dev                    \
    lld                         \
    libclang-common-14-dev      \

Additionally you might need libffi7, which can be installed with sudo apt install libffi7. Note: On other Ubuntu versions, the required packages may differ.


Same as Ubuntu with the exception of adding additional repository sources since Debian 11 only includes LLVM packages up to version 11. To do so follow the official documentation.


On MacOS you need to install the Xcode Command Line Tools.

Furthermore LLVM 14 is needed, which can be easily installed with homebrew :

brew install llvm@14

After the installation you have to add /opt/homebrew/opt/llvm@14/bin to your $PATH environment variable, e.g. with the following command:

echo 'export PATH="/opt/homebrew/opt/llvm@14/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.zshrc


Compiling RuSTy on Windows requires three dependencies:

  1. Windows 10 SDK
  2. MSVC (at the point of writing this we tested it on v142 - VS 2019 C++ x64/x86 build tools)
  3. LLVM 14.0.6

The first two dependencies are typically installed during the Rust installation itself. More specifically during the installation you should have been prompted to install them. If not, you'll be able to install them via Visual Studio at any point. The third dependency is based on a custom build which is hosted on GitHub. Download it, extract it and add the bin/ directory to your environment variables. In theory this should cover everything to be able to compile RuSTy (with some reboots here and there).




  • Because of weak compatibility guarantees of the LLVM API, the LLVM installation must exactly match the major version of the llvm-sys crate.Currently you will need to install LLVM 14 to satisfy this constraint. Read more
  • To avoid installation conflicts on Linux/Ubuntu, make sure you don't have a default installation available (like you get by just installing llvm-dev), which may break things. If you do, make sure you have set the appropriate environment variable (LLVM_SYS_140_PREFIX=/usr/lib/llvm-14 for LLVM 14), so the build of the llvm-sys crate knows what files to grab.